Here are the last pages in my Disney album:

...I married my best friend!!
I can't believe that it has already been two years. Some days it feels like yesterday, while others I can't remember what it was like before we were husband and wife.
To celebrate our anniversary and help make our third year of marriage the best yet, I have come up with a little project. Everyday, whether we are together or not, I will tell my husband one thing I love about him. It may seem trivial, but sometimes I take advantage of what I have. Sometimes I dwell on the negative instead of focusing on positive. Sometimes I do not realize what a great thing I have. I love him very much, I just forget to show him that sometimes. So, whether it be in a note, in a text or in a heartfelt conversation I will make a point to tell him one thing, big or little, that I love about him. Of course, I will keep track of everything and on our next anniversary I will put everything into a mini album. I will keep you posted on my progress!
I know I have been the worst blogger EVER, but I hope to change that in the coming weeks. I have lots of great ideas, I just need to execute them. I do have lots of new pages to share, I will scan/photograph them this week.
Have a gooder!!
There are some wonderful entries into this competition, so it if you have a second head over to the boards and vote for your favorite one. The voting isover now. I didn't mnake the second round, but I really enjoyed creating this page.
The lyrics to the song are:
I can’t stop your heart from breaking,
Can’t make right mistakes we’ve made,
Can’t dry your crying eyes,
For my little angels sake,
I can’t make the sun keep smiling,
Or blow away the clouds,
There’s some things in this old world girl,
I can’t do nothing bout,
But I can love you,
Like I’ve always done,
And when the hard times come a knocking,
Honey you won’t ever see me run,
I won’t leave you,When you need a friend,
Can’t make the bad days that much better,
Baby than they’ve ever been,
But I can love you,
Can’t hold back the ocean waves,
Or stop a sinking ship,
Can’t make a mountain move,
Or tell you how to live,
But I can love you,
Like I’ve always done,
And when the hard times come a knocking,
Honey you won’t ever see me run,
I won’t leave you,
When you need a friend,
Can’t make the bad days that much better,
Baby than they’ve ever been,
But I can love you,
And I won’t leave you,
When you need a friend,
Can’t make the bad days that much better,
Baby than they’ve ever been,
But I can love you,
But I can love you.
It is another nasty spring morning. The snow is falling and the roads are a mess. I hope spring will hurry up and get here!!
Have a gooder!!
Can you guess how old he turned?
Happy New Year Everyone!! Hot-hubby and I had a very quiet New Years Eve. We spent the evening alone, ordered a pizza, watched a movie and then the fire works on the TV. Well, actually we can see the high, large fireworks from our house. It was probably the last time we will see them from our house though. Once they build the houses behind us I think we will lose our view. Here are a couple pictures from the evening.
I am not usually one to set New Year resolutions, but this year I decided to write down my goals for the year.
Take better care of myself
Lose 35 lbs. Two years ago I lost 50lbs, but I have since gained 10 back. It is time for me to get serious and lose the final pounds.
Exercise more! I used to go to the gym, but the last few months have been lacking any kind of exercise. I need to get my butt moving!!
Eat healthier. I have started to eat fast food and potato chips again!! They are my vice. I could never eat another chocolate again and be fine with it. Take away my salty snacks and I would be devastated. I am not going to cut these treats out for good, but they are going to become rare treats.
Take more pride in my appearance. I rarely wear make-up or dress “nice”, yet I feel so much better about myself when I do. It is amazing how good a little cover-up and blush can make you feel.
Be Creative
I need to take more time and scrapbook. It is a hobby that makes me so happy, yet I rarely make time to do it. It is time to start!!
Finish all of the projects I started this past year. I am tired of seeing half finished albums and pages of notes of things I want to do.
Try some new things. I love the altered items and mini-books that I see other people making. I have the supplies, it is time I use them.
Convince myself that it doesn’t have to be perfect!! I will not let myself stress about every page.
Get Organized
I am very disorganized right now and feel out of control. I like things neat and orderly, but have let things get out of control.
Take the extra time and put everything away in its home. I am infamous for having piles of crap around just waiting to be carried up a flight of stairs and put away.
Purge the craft room. I have way to much stuff that I am never going to use. It is time for me to sort it all out and donate the stuff I no longer need. I am lucky enough to have a room for my hobby, it is time I used it to it’s full potential!
Wow, I feel better just getting all of this in writing! I will keep you updated on my progress. I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be a great year!!
I am wishing everyone a fabulous 2008!!