So, while attending Canada’s Scrapbooking Crop for Kids in Edmonton I found my scrapbooking mojo. I am not to sure where it has been hiding all this time, but I am so glad it is back. My desk at work is full of post-its with ideas for new pages and projects. I am so pumped, I love feeling creative. Now if I only had more time to play in my scrapbook room.
Recently I have started looking at challenge blogs and found a few last week that I really liked. I did two pages for a couple of these challenges on Sunday (which is a big deal for someone who has been averaging one page every month or two) and I finally feel like my style is evolving. I worked outside of my comfort zone and I love it. I came across a new site, Scrap In Style, and posted the layouts on there. I was mega surprised (okay I almost jumped up and down and did a little dance beside my desk at work) to find that one of my layouts had been chosen for their weekly catwalk!! I have never been chosen for anything like that before, and let me tell you, it feels great.
Here are the two layouts that I am talking about. The first is the one that was chosen for SIS’ Catwalk that I did it for the OLW Challenge. The second one I did for the Unpubbed Challenge.

I just hope that my mojo sticks around for awhile, I love feeling creative!! Hopefully I have new layouts to share very, very soon!
Oh Heather, I did notice that you tagged me, but I am working on something for that ;) I hope to have it done on the weekend.
WHOOO HOOO!! welcome to blogland!! Post post post your layouts, congrats on the catwalk, isn't it an awesome feeling to have your work recognized?! I just posted some of your pics on my photography blog. I will add the link to my blog later today! Love the layouts, BTW!!!
i'm happy you're blogging and scrapbooking! i haven't actually done either in quite awhile. i was thinking i might sit down tonight and finally scrapbook, and maybe tomorrow since i don't have class. i miss it so.
Wahoo! Congrats on finding your mojo - at WEM of all places?! Although I must admit to finding a bit of my own scrapbooking mojo there too - could it have been the company;-)
Your layouts are great (always have been) and I'm glad you got on the catwalk!
Hey Lindsay!
I love your blog; wish I had the guts (and time!) to run my own as well. I love reading others' blogs. Heather is a buddy of mine too, from St. Albert. Looking forward to more l/o's and musings from you! I love to talk about myself too-ha ha. Congrats on winning the challenge! Oh, one more thing: What the heck is a "mojo"?
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