Well, I finally got to play last night. I decided that the laundry could wait another day or two. Here is the what I did last night. It is not my favourite layout that I have done, but I like it. I continue to work out of my comfort zone, and I am loving it!

The thing that I am struggling with now is scrapbooking my regular photos. I have all of these great pictures of us (engagement pictures, wedding pictures, Heather’s pictures) and I only want to create with them. I started working on my Disney album at CSCFK and have had little motivation to finish it. It could just be that I am sick of looking at the extra 15lbs I am carrying around in those pictures, but I think it is because my “style” is very different with those pictures. I have a very eclectic style and right now I am not in a Disney style kind of mood. So my new goal is to finish that book!! Before I can do a page using any of my “professional” pictures I have to do two Disney layouts. Once I start doing it again I know I will get back into it, I just have to start.
A girlfriend of mine is coming over on Thursday night to make Christmas cards, so hopefully I will have lots of those to share soon!
I doubt I will have time to play in my scrapbook room tonight. I will be busy handing out goodies to all the little ghouls and goblins that come to my door. I hope everyone has a very Happy Halloween!!